As part of our mission, we are passionate about keeping this website FREE forever and ever.
We don't even ask for your e-mail address unless you contact us first. (What a concept, huh?)
If you are an "indie" author, have your own child-friendly blog or website, and you are interested in linking up with us, we would love to hear from you!
Send us an e-mail and let us know your story!
As you know, running a website such as this one (or any business for that matter) is not free. Operation costs are just a part of business life.
Therefore, we are unable to ask for donations or participate in any fundraising activities.
What we are is a small group of people just like you. We are involved in our communities and are committed to the betterment of our future generations. We have jobs, families, and responsibilities too. And, like you, we have dreams, goals, and beliefs which is why A Year of Yarns was created.
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THANK YOU from the deepest depths of our hearts for any support you show! We love our little website and truly hope you do to!
Sara Smith and The Team at A Year of Yarns
School book orders and the lack of a local library were starting to take a toll. So, Sara Smith decided her family could write their own stories and draw their own pictures. Her family embraced the idea and soon a new story was born every night at bedtime.
What started out as a simple means to save some money and still be able to read a variety of books, A Year of Yarns has turned into a very personal and creative endeavor by Smith and her family. An endeavor to bring free stories, original reading material, activities, and more to children across the world despite their geographical location and/or finances.
She also wanted A Year of Yarns to be a way for parents and caregivers to connect with the children in their lives and to inspire creativity and inspiration in their own homes.
This website is owned, designed, maintained, and operated by Riversmith Media ( All rights reserved.