August 24th
After School Snack Attack
After a long, grueling day of spelling tests, math problems, science experiments, and history lessons, you finally make it home. You are starving!
In reality, you probably are not starving, but you are definitely hungry. School is a lot of work. Your brain is getting bigger and smarter by the minute. Your body is growing too! So, there’s no question your tummy is growling, “Feed meeeee!”
It’s still a few hours until dinner, so a bunch of food right after school is usually not an option. A sugar-filled, fatty snack is not an especially good option either. To the rescue…farm markets! The place where all good things that have been grown are sold!
Most communities have access to a farm market or several. So, it should be pretty easy to find one that is close to you. Farm markets are bursting to the seams with healthy snack options!
We have put together a list of good, healthy snacks to grab when you walk through the door and the end of your school day. These options are so simple, it’s crazy! Here are some of the basics to help you with that after school snack attack…
A few other things that will help you fight those after school snack attacks are string cheese, yogurt tubes, and fruit cups packed in juice. While not necessarily available at farm markets, these foods make it a little easier for you to eat healthy and feel satisfied.
With a little preparation and planning, healthy and nourishing after school snacks are possible. And, these snacks aren’t going to break the bank or ruin your supper!
Bon Appetite!