"Dearest Peach" is a very short form of poetry known as haiku (sounds like "hi-coo").
Haiku originated in the country of Japan.
Today, haiku is written in many different languages with most haiku poets living in English-speaking countries.
There are several styles of haiku.
The most common haiku style contains 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line, and 5 syllables in the third line.
Traditionally, haiku poetry was written about nature. But all that has changed. Haiku written today can be about anything!
Can you think of a haiku poem to write? Challenge yourself and your family to see who can come up with the best haiku poem!
You could also start a family collection of haiku poems and read then aloud once per year at your very own family "haiku" party.
After you make up your first haiku poem, you'll be thinking about your second poem, third poem...THEN you'll be off to the haiku races!
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Just like blueberry has July and strawberry has June... juicy peach gets August!
August is when peaches are ripening and getting ready to be picked, shipped, and enjoyed.
It isn't difficult to find peaches year 'round in markets across the country. They can be found canned, frozen, and fresh! Peaches make the most delightful addition to ice cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, and baked goods!
Here are a few bits of peach trivia for you to nibble on...
...There are over 700 varieties of peaches grown worldwide.
...Peaches are known as a "stone fruit" because of the pit inside the fruit. Cherries are another popular "stone fruit."
...Nectarines are just peaches without the fuzz.
...Georgia is known as the "Peach State."
...Peaches originated in China. There it is considered to be a symbol of luck and longevity.
...Peaches are loaded with vitamins A, B, and C. They are also low in calories. A medium size peach contains a mere 37 calories!
...California grows 50% of the peaches in the United States. This includes 175 different varieties!